Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Up Yours Tobacco, I Quit

About 30 years ago, give or take a few months, I started turning to tobacco as an anger management tool.  From the caring advice of a friend no less!  Since it made me a bit dizzy & light headed at the time, it seemed to do the trick.  I was no longer angry so much as simply trying to think clearly while keeping my balance.  Something else that started about that same time, and that I had never really thought about until today, was that I started having mornings where I would suddenly become quite nauseous.  My Dad would say it was all in my head and tell me to get my butt to school, which added to my stress levels a bit more, so I would pack up, head out walking and light up on my way to school.  You know, trying to be a good kid and all that. 
This continued for a few years before I finally got tired of it and headed out to a doctor.  Yes, I am that stubborn some times and going to see any medical professional is usually one of those times for me.  Well the Dr. agreed that we should at least run some tests (what a shock) and I was sent off to find another building across town.  Long story short, there didn't appear to be anything they could see so here's a prescription for a good strong antacid.  Ya, thanks doc!  So nothing really changed and I went on smoking about a pack a day for years, occasionally getting randomly sick and having folks tell me I was too stressed or that I must be developing an ulcer.  Sigh. 
Over those years I paid anywhere from $2.83 (I still remember buying my fist pack quite vividly) to these last packs that cost about $16 each.  Let's do some math for a moment.  16 dollars / 25 smoke = $0.64 for each cigarette!  That's outrageously foolish when it comes to good finances.  Smoking tobacco is a bigger line on my budget than entertainment, ranks right up there with my power bill!  It's sure going to be nice to put that cash to better uses elsewhere, for example 3 months of not smoking would be a good start on what I need to build my greenhouse!  Plus, assuming I'm correct about all this, no longer having to worry about random sicks days is bound to improve my overall quality of life ...
So what's the point of all this you ask?  The point, my dear reader, is that I'm done with tobacco.  As I look back and think about it now, the whole time I've been smoking it was really spending cash to avoid currently dealing with something that would probably end up making me sick if I didn't just get it dealt with.  As a kid I can right off ignoring the foolishness but now that I have kids of my own it's become time to realize/admit that I simply no better.  They say that quitting smoking can be quite difficult, personally I've tried several time previously, but if you have a solid reason that you believe in that will make a big difference.  Well, this is a reason I can believe in! 

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