Sunday, 24 May 2015

I Think My World’s Gone Crazy

There’s something going on today in the world that just doesn’t make any sense at all.  Doesn’t matter how you look at it, the situation is just illogical.  What’s happening, how it came to be and where it seems to be going.  Stupid, illogical, unreasonable, antisocial and yet a total reality.  What am I going on about I hear you ask?  Life my dear friends, life.
A perfect example of what I’m talking about today would be the idea of normal.  Normal, eww, may I never again be labelled with such a destructive and negative word as normal.  If you ask me, and you kinda did but clicking to read this blog, normal is a sociopathic nightmare in which young girls torture and abuse themselves, and each other, because of bodies they are repeatedly told are less than normal or perfect.  To fat, too skinny, too tall, too blond, too short, wrong nose, hate my chin and even more.  The list here is disturbingly long, just ask any teenage girl or pick up a fashion magazine.
As for guys, manly men, grr n stuff?  The list is just as long but nobody ever really talks about it because so called normal men don’t share their feelings.  Unless they're plastered, in which case … I love you man, no really, I love you man …  Drunk guys are funny to watch when they start to open up.  Guys are bombarded with images of men they could never look like, have huge expectations placed on them by society and in many places the strain is just too much for them to bear and suicide seems like the only escape.  And that’s normal.
Normal people tend to have a religion that they follow and if you don’t follow one then normally you get called an atheist.  Normally these religions will say that you, as a believer, are better than those around you who are not believers or worse yet … believe something else!  In some parts of our screwed up world the normal religion says that if you are different then you should be killed for that.  Which makes that perfectly normal in that area.  Since the majority of those people believe it to be that way, it becomes normal.
Which brings me back to my point, normal is a sick & twisted, septic, sociopathic nightmare and I would much rather just be the real me regardless of what I may be called for it.  Do what I think I should do, not what does some book or magazine or ad or neighbor or blog or anybody else thinks I should do.  Do what I feel & think is right and forget what the sheeple are doing.  This is a good plan and has worked well for me, for the most part.  I whole heartedly recommend giving it a try but I warn you that it’s not easy and you may find that most of your life has been lived in a sick sort of autopilot that you would never have picked given the chance.
How do you do it?  Start watching what you do & say for those so called automatic reactions.  Once you recognize that you have a certain pattern of behavior, and we ALL do I assure you, ask yourself if you feel & think that is a proper way to behave in a sane and civilized society.  If the answer is yes then by all means, carry on!  If the answer is no then maybe you should find a different way to look at the situation.
One of the worst things I have seen, time & time again, is good people suffering from trying to be normal.  Come on people, we’re better than that!  Just be real!

Much love, JT Bear