Friday, 20 June 2014

I Have A Dream

I have a dream of property.  Land counted in acres, with a mature forest where I can walk along the trails and feel at one with the earth.  Forest were the birds chirp away in the tree tops, the deer wander in safety and the assorted woodland critters feel free to display themselves while going about their little lives.  With a creek ,or steam, weaving and wandering along the property providing water for the forest and farm.  Some land upon the property that is well suited to growing greenhouse crops and a fair bit that is well suited to growing assorted trees and shrubs for long term provisions.  Somewhere safe to keep some bees and raise chickens, sheep, rabbits and a few pigs.
I dream of building a home for my family on this land, near the creek and within sight of the forest.  Somewhere that my children and grandchildren will always know is there for them.  Somewhere that will always be safe, almost a sanctuary away from the world but ready to be a part of it at the same time.  A place where there is enough space to grow more food than my family can eat, which will provide the chance to share with others who maybe don’t have quite enough.
I dream of creating a place where aquaponics can be shared with the world.  Enough space to set up a wide range of different gardens and truly test what each is capable of producing.  Somewhere that new theories can be tested and the results shared with the aquaponic community, a place where new gardeners can visit and be comfortable to build an aquaponic garden when they return home.  Somewhere that ideas on how to provide for small groups and communities can be explored before they wander off to do some good in the world.
I want to run a successful business, based on growing aquaponic crops using koi and other high value fish to provide the required nutrients.  The primary crop will be green tea with it’s sales being conducted mostly online.  The primary source of income will be the koi breeding and auction house, both online & in house.  The secondary source of income will be the cabin rental or bed & breakfast on the land.  It would be wonderful to host aquaponic ‘campouts’ where ordinary people can meet and share ideas about aquaponic gardening.  There may be a small fee to join these, but it would be quite small & per person.
I long to sleep at night in a home I have built, on land that can never be taken from my family.  I yearn to awake in the morning refreshed and ready to work hard on the may things it takes to run this type of property.  I know that I have the required skills and abilities.  If I should need new information, I know that someone will be able to share it with me and help me learn for myself.  I wish to have in my possession all the tools required to make this happen, money is just a tool.
I look forward to all of the videos I can share about building and developing the land.  I look forward to meeting many fine people who are also interested in building the global aquaponic community.  I look forward to sharing my successes with others and helping them to reach their own goals.  I look forward to a day when we all have all that we need to be comfortable and happy.
I have a dream of property.  Property where I can learn to make all my dreams come true.
I am John Tumbling Bear, & I am a good man.

If you feel like helping me to see this dream become a reality, you can contribute to my FundRazr campaign by following this link : .
Thank you for your time & blessed be!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

A Story of Wolves, Lions & Lambs (or, the story of mankind)

Once upon a time there lived a little boy.  He was not unlike any other child except perhaps in that this little boy would think very big thoughts for such a little boy.  Sometimes, when he had thought something that really needed sharing … he would tell the people around him what he had learned.  Soon this little boy learned another lesson that was much harder to understand.  People, no matter how smart or trusted they may be, don’t want to hear the truth from a little boy.  In time that little boy started keeping those lessons learned to himself but he kept on thinking.  I wonder sometimes what goes on in his little head, let’s take a look shall we?

The story of mankind is not too unlike a story of three different beasts all wearing the same outward appearance.  For the most part, all members of mankind look pretty much the same.  They look like a creative & intelligent species, for the most part.  Yet upon closer inspection most of mankind act like simple beasts, without any real understand of why they do the things they do.  Yes, most of mankind live the life of lambs, and for them it is true when they say that ignorance is bliss.  When you don’t know about things, or don’t understand them, then they don’t worry you too much do they?  It doesn't have any effect on day to day life.  That must be nice …
Not all of mankind are lambs however and there are two other, more powerful, beasts walking in the flock.  Unnoticed by most of the lambs they live with, day in & day out.  There are wolves and lions both out there.  Strong powerful beasts who walk freely amongst the lambs.  Lambs who are so blissfully unaware these dangers even exist.  What makes the difference?  How can you tell?
To put it simply, one beast makes it's meal by taking from the weak while the other beast shares it’s meal to nourish the weak.  One takes from the flock & one protects it.  A great man once said ‘In life, we are kings or pawns.’  I disagree.  I think that we are wolves, lions or lambs.  The choice is ours with every moment of every day.  I am not a lamb nor am I a wolf.  I guess then, that I must be a lion.  I will do my best to protect the lambs from the wolves & quietly encourage the lambs to become lions themselves.

Well, isn't that an interesting little thought!  Isn't it sad when we are afraid to speak the truth because we fear being punished for it?  Still, it makes me wonder?  What am I … am I a lamb, a lion or a wolf?  What will you be?

Sunday, 30 March 2014

The Bloody YOLO Mentality!

Few things get me going like hearing some idiot has used YOLO as a reason to do something totally stupid.  No, I don’t mean foolish or silly.  I mean STUPID.

You Only Live Once, that’s what that is all about right?  So based on that you should completely disregard how your actions and words effect other people around you, forget about saving for the future, not care about anything really because none of it matters?  You only live once, and then you die right?  So who cares…

To me this way of thinking is not only self destructive but it is in fact destroying our entire planet.  Hear me out on this one.  For thousands of years, much of the world has maintained the "life followed by death followed by ‘eternal’ judgement" theory.  As though existence were a straight line with a clearly defined beginning, middle and end.  This may, or may not, be the case … no one REALLY knows for sure but everyone has their theories.  With that theory in mind it becomes easy to think of the world as something that we can use and abuse as we please with no ‘real’ consequences for our actions.  After all , you only live once right?

Here’s the thing that causes me to stumble there.  Doesn't science say that energy cannot be destroyed but instead simply, changes forms?  What if, and I’m not saying this is the case either just sort of a… what if, everyone grew up believing that after we die we do reincarnate?  Would that change how we treat the planet and all the creatures on it?  It seems to me that if we all thought we would end up coming back here we might just care a little bit more about where the world is heading.  Dealing with issues that will only be a problem in 150 years would become almost as important as dealing with things that are a problem right now.  Would those big companies that are slowly killing us all still do so if they believed that one day that will be their drinking water, or that in the next life they would be forced to breathe the harsh stale air of a dying earth?  I’m thinking, probably not.

If you believe that the problems of the world are your problems, and how you treat other living creatures does matter in the long run then how could a person of any real intellect make the decisions these ’powers that be’ seem to make so freely?  In this writers opinion, the wars we are fighting, the air we are polluting, the wildlife we are killing freely … none of these things would be happening an a society where we all realized that ultimately we are all one in the same.

Just saying ...
JT Bear